Archive: 2021-12

NVIDIA Nsight Graphicsの不具合のような挙動

はじめに 不具合かもしれませんが, 検証をしていません. 無駄な時間を過ごしたためノートだけとっておきます. 環境 NVIDIA Nsight Graphics 2021.5.10 GPU Geforce 2080 Driver 497.29 現象

Intel SPMD Program Compiler on Visual Studio

Introduction The CMake, from ver. 3.21, supports Intel SPMD Program Compiler (ISPC), but only for make and Ninja. I often use Visual Studio for C++ developments, and so need useful code pieces for CMakeLists.txt. Functions This is always included from the root CMakeLists.txt. Ofcourse I know that gathering sources automatically is not recommended. function(add_ispcs ISPC_OBJECTS FILES) set(OBJECT_FILES "") foreach(SOURCE_FILE IN LISTS FILES) string(REPLACE ".ispc" ".